Humble Beginnings

Hello readers of this blog! I hope you’re having a great day today, this is my quick little blurb about the fact that I’m starting this version of the planepanel ecosystem.

I primarily started planepanel hosting as a way for me to delve into the world of what I love, part of my motivation was that I was disgruntled with the state of some of the options out there. While I am only a sole manager and owner, I hope to provide an excellent service despite that very big hurdle.

This website will primarily contain guides, reviews, tutorials, blog updates like this one and any other cool features that either me or my community (you, potentially) will decide on that ultimately seeks to benefit the space and make for a more neat, productive or informative experience.

I know this is a very short blog post, that’s all I really had to say for this time around, toodles!